SPAN Margin Calculator!
Margin calculator to calculate the span margins required for trades made in the NSE - derivatives segment or NSE - currency derivatives segment.
The SPAN Margin calculator is online trading tool in India that let’s you calculate comprehensive span margin requirements for option writing/shorting or for multi-leg F&O strategies while trading equity, F&O, commodity and currency before taking a trade. No more taking trades just to figure out the margin that will be blocked!
The SPAN Margin calculates the span margin and the exposure margin required by the exchanges based on volatility, underlying price movements amongst other factors. The Exposure Margin is usually levied as a percentage of the Value of the Contract in addition to the SPAN Margin.
Users can use this calculator as an NSE Margin Calculator to calculate the span margins required for trades made on the NSE – Derivatives Segment or NSE – Currency Derivatives Segment.
Buying options require the full premium to be paid upfront and no margins are collected for the same. Hence premium values to buy options don’t show up in the below F&O margin calculator.